Arora Dental

Oral Health Is About More Than Just Your Teeth

It is about being both healthy and happy, having the confidence to be yourself, and being able to #ownyoursmile. At Arora Dental, our dental hygiene team is committed to providing you with the highest standard of dental care. We strive for excellence through continuing education, training exercises, monthly team meetings, team building activities, and taking pride in providing our patients with the best experience every time.

What to Expect During Your Cleaning Appointment

At the start of your appointment, your dental hygienist at Arora Dental will take bitewing x-rays, which are cavity detecting x-rays. Once these are taken, your dentist will examine them to diagnose any decay and discuss the findings with you. If it's your first visit with us, your hygienist will complete periodontal charting, which is the measuring of the space between your gums and your teeth. This is important as it helps detect bleeding gums, bone loss, gum recession, and gum disease.
At every appointment, your hygienist will scale, or "clean", your teeth to remove any plaque buildup and then finish off by polishing your teeth.
Your hygienist may recommend a fluoride varnish at your routine appointments. Fluoride is a natural mineral that helps keep teeth resistant to decay and is found in tap water, toothpastes, and mouthwashes. Using it on a regular basis helps strengthen your teeth and prevent decay.
If you are at high risk for cavities, your dental hygienist at Arora Dental may recommend Prevident toothpaste, which contains a high amount of fluoride (4x regular toothpaste to be exact).
Dental sealants protect your teeth by helping to prevent food from getting stuck between the grooves, causing decay to form and creating the need for dental treatment. After your teeth have been cleaned, the sealants are applied to seal the grooves of your teeth and protect them against decay.
Oral cancer screenings are done at your first visit with us and at all routine cleanings. Checking for oral cancer during your appointments is important as many patients do not know the signs and symptoms to look out for on their own. If you notice anything unusual in or around your mouth, please do not hesitate to contact us to book an appointment.

Going to the dentist on a regular basis may not be everyone’s favourite thing to do, but it is an important thing that should be done. Routine cleanings benefit you in many ways. Even with good at-home dental care (brushing and flossing), a visit to your dental hygienist is needed. Your hygienist removes plaque that you are not able to remove yourself. If left too long, plaque turns into tartar which can lead to cavities. At these visits, your hygienist will also check for oral cancer and any other noticeable concerns. Bitewing x-rays are taken at these visits as well, which detect decay, infection, and any other issues not detectable by the naked eye. Keeping on top of your x-rays helps catch things before they become problems. And keeping on top of your routine cleanings helps keep your mouth healthy and clean.

Medical Conditions and Dental Health

Certain medical conditions are closely linked to dental health and may require more frequent visits to the dentist to manage them. Heart disease, high blood pressure, and osteoporosis can affect your teeth and gums, while lung disease and diabetes may have a link to gum disease. If you are at risk of dental disease and any associated medical conditions, your dental provider may recommend more frequent visits.

Premedication for Dental Appointments

If you require premedication before dental appointments to help prevent infection, your family doctor or specialist will prescribe it for you before coming to see us.

Medications and Oral Health

Certain medications can have side effects such as dry mouth, which can cause oral health issues. Please let us know if you are taking any medications so that we can provide you with the best possible care.

Dry Mouth

Dry mouth is a condition in which your salivary glands do not produce enough saliva. Saliva helps protect your teeth against harmful bacteria that leads to decay, enhances your ability to taste, makes it easier to chew and swallow, and aids in digestion. If you suffer from dry mouth, speak with your dental provider about using Biotene, a manmade solution with pH levels similar to natural saliva that helps relieve dryness and pain. Biotene is available as a toothpaste, mouthwash, spray, and gel.

Drinking water has many health benefits, especially for your dental health. It helps fight dry mouth, washes away food particles, and strengthens teeth with fluoride. Remember to drink plenty of water to maintain good oral health.
Some foods can be harmful to your teeth, such as those that are sugary, acidic, sticky or chewy, full of starches, crunchy or hard, and that dry out your mouth. Limiting these types of foods can help reduce plaque buildup and prevent tooth decay.
Xylitol is a sugar-free substance that looks and tastes like sugar. Chewing xylitol gum can improve your dental health, as it decreases plaque buildup and kills off bacteria in your mouth.
pH levels are important in oral health. Your dental hygienist can perform pH testing to determine your level and recommend options to improve your dental needs.
Smoking can cause many oral health problems, including bad breath, discoloured teeth, excessive plaque/tartar buildup, bone loss, gum disease, and oral cancer. Talk to your dental professional about how to prevent and treat decay and gum disease.
Taking care of your teeth at home is essential for your oral health. Brushing and flossing twice a day using the proper techniques will effectively clean your teeth, gums, tongue, and mouth. Consult with your dental hygienist to determine which toothbrush is best for you.
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